Sunset Christian Preschool is a ministry of University Place Presbyterian Church. SCP families are invited to participate in any and all UPPC ministries. Here are just a few resources that many families engage in.
Children's Ministries
It’s our goal to make learning about Jesus an exciting and interactive experience. We have opportunities for children during services on Sunday mornings, on Wednesday evenings, and throughout the year. We also provide support for parents through special needs groups, co-ops, and mom groups. Visit our website to learn more.

Divorce Recovery Experience
The Divorce Recovery experience at UPPC is a safe place to unpack thoughts, feelings, and emotions. It’s a place to gain healthy insight and courage to begin to move ahead. While it is difficult to risk when your life and world has been cast into turmoil and chaos, this is one risk—one opportunity—that will be the beginning of a new way of living and hoping!
Families Unlimited Network (FUN)
FUN is a non-profit organization working to end need in our community. Each year they help more than 25,000 people through programs designed to help lead families to a place of sustainability. Services include food, after-school tutoring, budgeting, energy assistance, homeless prevention, and basic repair support. FUN is a ministry partner of UPPC.